Today, a quick and nerdy PowerShell blog.
If like me, you develop PS modules and use Azure DevOps Artifacts feed as private repository, you may have experienced the issue I will talk about.
Previously, you had to use NuGet v2 to connect to your feed and retrieve your module.
With PS 5.1, you shouldn't notice any differences and your setup should still work as is.
I try to consume the Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK and reached some limits with the number of functions to be imported (4096) - On Windows 10, you can simply change that variable using $MaximumFunctionCount = 10000 for example and keep using PS5.1 but this won't work with Windows 11 and the fix is to switch to PS7 as mentioned here.
When registering a repository as documented here, I was receiving the following error:
Response status code does not indicate success: 404 (Not Found)
My repository was registered as it was recommended back then, and was using the v2 endpoint.
This won't work with PS7 so make sure to update your repo source URI from "https://pkgs.dev.azure.com/<ORGANIZATION_NAME>/<PROJECT_NAME>/_packaging/<FEED_NAME>/nuget/v2" as you may have used before
to the v3 endpoint
after that, install your module as normal with Install-PsResource
The 404 Not found error should not reoccurring!
Hope that helps and thanks for reading!
About William Francillette:

I am a Microsoft Solutions Architect specialized in Microsoft 365, Entra and Azure security products at Threatscape.
I love learning, blogging and coding. My interests are very diverse and span across architecture, security, cloud engineering, automation, DevOps and PowerShell.
I own over a dozen Microsoft certifications and have worked in IT across multiple and diverse industries for over 15 years.